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Neuroplasticity and Growth Mindset

How understanding the principles of neuroplasticity benefits people.

Understanding the principles of neuroplasticicity can helps us in our learning process of acquiring new skills. Through this we can change the way we think about the process of learning. This opens the door to many new skills we can acquire and how we approach learning

How might you engage with the principles of neuroplasticity for your benefit? What are some of the ways to increase your neuroplasticity?

There are a few ways we can increase our neauroplasticity. Learning a new language (looking at coding as languages could be viewed as a language) learning to play an instrument, getting plenty of rest, daily exercise and practicing mindfulness. These actions stimulate and encourage our brain to change and adapt.

I found this link particularly helpful

In this exploration, did anything surprise you? Change for you? How will you integrate growth mindset into your learning journey?

Growth mindset is about viewing challenges and failures as stepping stones to improve and excell at learning new skills. Seeing that your intelligence is something that can be built upon and not necesseraly born with. Failure can be the key to success and not the end to the journey. This is relevant especially in the case of coding as learning something as intricate as JavaScript for example will highly likely lead to a lot of failures in the code. But being able to adapt and learn from those failures will lead us to the success we seek within this course.

How might you engage with the principles of neuroplasticity for your benefit? What are some of the ways to increase your neuroplasticity?

It did surprise me to realise during my exploration that this mindset was encouraged through my studies years prior in graphic design and now again through Dev Academy. This makes sense as it allows us as students to not only carry the mindset that we will be able to attain the knowledge and skills but, also provide an understanding that the failures we will come across will be launch pads to getting us in the right direction. It makes me think of something my wife learnt and taught me. She would say to 'fail fast and learn fast', the idea being that making mistakes can be the very key to improving your knowledge and skills. So getting used to failure and not seeing it as the end of the road is fundamental to our growth.

I found this link particularly helpful

How have these understandings shaped or influenced your learning plan and strategy?

The way this will affect my learning plan would simply be to readjust my mindset and way of thinking. Especially around the area's of failure. Being okay to fail and also reach out for help more frequently to allow myself to grow. While also changing my mindset I will be actively working on methods which develop my neuroplasticity through daily exercise, reading, and getting enough rest. Adding this into my weekly schedule to improve my physical and mental health throughout this course.